We are a four-member VRC team from Charleston, South Carolina. We are currently 20-5-1 at VRC competitions and have qualified for the State Championships.

Elliott McAninch

18 years old - 12th Grade - Builder, Driver, and CAD/3D Designer - Elliott has 9 years of experience in robotics, 6 of those competing in the VEX Robotics Competition

Rhett Blanton

18 years old - 12 Grade - Programmer, Skills Route Designer, and Drive Team Leader - Rhett has 3 years of experience in the VEX Robotics Competition

Whilden Wood

14 years old - 9th Grade - Secondary Notebooker, Elimination Pair Scouter, Match Loader - Whilden has 1 year of experience in VEX Robotics

Noly Dismuke

18 years old - 12th grade - Main Notebooker - Noly has 3 years of experience in the VEX Robotics Competiton

Rhett, Elliott, and Whilden contribute to the drive team during the competition. Elliott does not attend West Ashley High School; however, he participates in the robotics program.